How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Romans 10:14

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hello from the UP!

This update is being brought to you from Iron Mountain, Michigan! We have been on about a 3 week jaunt this time taking us from Rock Island, IL to a few places in Wisconsin, and now we are here. We head back to our hometown this Thursday and Friday. It is about a 9 hour drive, so we will split it into two days, stopping to see some family on the way.

We are excited about getting home for the beginning of the holidays! We absolutely love Thanksgiving. It is such a sweet time of year, and a great time spent with family and our church family. We will be home for about a week, and head out again and be back just in time for Christmas! We are planning to make this year as big as we can, seeing as it will be our last one for a few years. Ya know, it's amazing that God has called us to Alaska, and we are so grateful to be used of God... but it doesn't come with it's hardships. It's a quite emotional when you get to thinking about not having the family times during the holidays and such. But we know without a doubt that God will take care of, and encourage us in the hard times. So we are going to enjoy this year to it's fullest! :)

We have met some of the sweetest people on deputation... it's so awesome to see how God has put people in our path to encourage us, and to be a blessing to us! We were recently having some issues with the truck, so when we got to our next meeting, Phil asked the Pastor if he knew any good diesel mechanics... guess what? they had one in their church!!! He talked to Phil, and they worked on the truck on Sunday afternoon, it has been working great ever since! Things like that (and many others), are how God proves to us that we are in His will and doing exactly what He wants us to do.

Can you pray with us for these things?

~ Pray that God will allow our schedule for next year to fill up... Pray for Phil as he makes "cold calls" to churches, that God will give him favor and clear speech when calling. Do you know a church looking for a missionary to come? Would you like us to send information to your Pastor? Feel free to email us at if you would like us to!

~ Pray for wisdom as we plan our departure in June of this year, pray for the funds to ship our container, and for funds for our plane tickets.

~ Pray for our family to stay strong spiritually and physically as we travel. We are coming into the flu/cold season, pray for health for our family.

~ Pray for the people of Alaska, pray that God would send more laborers to this field. There are so many unreached people in the bush of Alaska. We are so anxious to get there, and get started being a light to them!

We hope this update finds you all well. Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry!

I'll leave you with a few recent pictures :)


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